Dev Networks Flairs

by @yulioaj290


Stack Overflow

Start using Dev Networks Flairs

To start using Dev Networks Flairs you must include some resources on your web page. The resources that will be included depend on how you want your flair to looks.

The only you need is to include the script of Dev Networks Flairs:

Applying a theme

For a full use of theme, with Material Design colors, you must include the following styles:

And then, you need to include the themes's templates through the following file:

You may experience some issues because of the cache of JSDelivr CDN, in that case you can reference the files directly from GitHub:

Note: You don't need to include Bootstrap to make it works.

If you decide to use our themes, after include the necessary files (styles and scripts) you only need to write a wrapper with the convenient data of your developer network user, it means your GitHub username or your Stack Overflow user id.

Attributes of the wrapper
Attribute Description
data-color It sets the name of the color to fill the flair. See the Material Design color scheme table below.
data-flair It sets the developer network over which will be retrieve the information. The value can be set to "github" or "stackoverflow".
data-user It sets the username of GitHub or the user id of Stack Overflow, to retrieve the information.
data-theme It sets the theme (structure of html) to use. The value can be "githubFlair", "githubCards", "stackofFlair" or "stackofCards".
Note: The theme chosen in the attribute "data-theme" only define the structure of the html.
Note: You must to set the respective classes to obtain the desired result: "flair/cards" for the type of flair and "github/stackoverflow" for the developer network.
Material Design color scheme
black white red pink purple deepPurple indigo
blue lightBlue cyan teal green lightGreen lime
yellow amber orange deepOrange brown grey blueGrey
GitHub examples
<div class="network-flair rounded flair github" data-color="indigo" data-flair="github" data-user="Microsoft" data-theme="githubFlair"> </div> <div class="network-flair rounded cards github" data-color="indigo" data-flair="github" data-user="Microsoft" data-theme="githubCards"> </div>
Stack Overflow examples
<div class="network-flair rounded flair stackoverflow" data-color="indigo" data-flair="stackoverflow" data-user="6107280" data-theme="stackofFlair"> </div> <div class="network-flair rounded cards stackoverflow" data-color="indigo" data-flair="stackoverflow" data-user="6107280" data-theme="stackofCards"> </div>
Themes options

The themes have some classes that allows you to customize a little the flair.

Class Description
rounded It sets a border radius of 4 píxels (4px) to the box of the element.
In the above examples, this class was used to rounded the flair boxes.
circle It sets a border radius of 50 percent (50%) to the box of the element, that means the box will become in a circular element.
In the above examples, this class was used to make circular the image (avatar) of the user. Remove this class to make the image cuadratic.
flair-text-light It sets the white color for all text and the corner. It allows to force using the white color for text over any background color.
flair-text It sets the black color for all text and the corner. It allows to force using the black color for text over any background color.

Themes Available

Yuo can choose another theme from the available list in Theme List.

If you are not pleased with available themes, you can design your own and share with the community.
Follow this guidelines to achieve that.

Setting a custom theme

If you are not comfortable with the themes provided by Dev Networks Flairs, you can build your own theme and choose where to put each field retrieved from the network API.

To start, you must to write a wrapper like above examples, and then write inside it the structure you want.

Keep in mind that to put each specific data of your developer network profile inside an HTML tag, you must to add a new attribute "data-property" and as the value the field of your profile.

Note: If one of the field included via "data-property" is empty/null in your real developer network profile, it will appear as blank text. This could be an issue in your flair so, would be a smart solution do not include empty fields.
Note: You must to remove the "data-theme" attribute, because using it will overwrite your code inside the wrapper, if you included the "theme.js" file before.
GitHub fields
Field Description
username Username of the GitHub website.
fullname Your full name.
avatar Your GitHub picture/avatar url.
url Url of your GitHub dashboard/profile.
company Your current employer.
location Your current job location.
website Your personal website/portfolio.
repos Number of repositories that you have in GitHub.
forks Number of fork repositories that you have in GitHub.
sources Number of source repositories (not fork) that you have in GitHub.
gists Number of public gists that you have in GitHub Gist.
followers Number of followers that you have in GitHub.
hireable A boolean that say if you are currently looking for a job or open to job offers.
bio An extract of your bio in GitHub.
Stack Overflow fields
Field Description
userid The id of your Stack Overflow user.
fullname Your full name.
avatar Your Stack Overflow picture/avatar url.
url Url of your Stack Overflow dashboard/profile.
location Your current job location.
website Your personal website/portfolio.
reputation Your current reputation on Stack Overflow.
answers Number of answers in Stack Overflow.
questions Number of questions in Stack Overflow.
badge-bronze Number of bronze badges in Stack Overflow.
badge-silver Number of silver badges in Stack Overflow.
badge-gold Number of gold badges in Stack Overflow.

If you want to set a link (<a>), you can use the "data-link" attribute to get the desired result.

Value Description
link It sets the value of the href attribute with the url and sets the link text empty. It is useful when you want a link without text, just an icon for example.
text It sets the value of the href and the link text with the url. It is more convenient to use when you want to show a link with the url itself.
src It sets the value of the src attribute with the url and sets the link text empty. It is useful when you want to show an image, picture or avatar.
profile field It sets the value of the href attribute with the url provided by an specific field and don't touch the link text. It is useful when you want to show a field data as a link, with the url of another field. An example could be the GitHub username linked to the real GitHub profile.
Custom theme example
<div class="network-flair rounded flair github" data-color="indigo" data-flair="github" data-user="Microsoft"> Blog / Website </div>


If you want to contribute with new features, code optimization or simply offer a new theme template; just follow instructions in

Developed by Yulio Aleman Jimenez © 2018